Sunday, October 19, 2008

Another week gone!

Wow time flies when there are no fixed plans! but we've been doing well with the things that need doing. And been eating lots of good food. It's a good thing that there are so many hills in this town otherwise we'd be at some serious risk of getting fat :)

We bought a car yesterday! we'll get to pick it up on tues or wed. It's a Green 1998 Ford Escort Wagon 1.8L Turbo Diesel. Awesome. It's an old school diesel with the glow plugs and the whole bit, so it'll take sometime to get used to. The 5 speed manual aspect will also take some learning, if only because I don't really have much practice shifting with my left hand!

Today we made our plans to shift out of Verandahs Lodge where we've been for the past week and in to exciting new hostel. We woulld have kinda liked to stay where we are until we got the car (cause we're lazy) but they don't have a room for us on tuesday night :( so wedecided to comit to another hostel instead. Then after we get our wheels(!) we'll be heading out of town promptly. We're getting quitecomfortable here so it's time to move on, beyond the big city. I've been claiming that it's been our aclimitization time... it's hard to go cold turkey from internet and wii and cable tv to living in the wilderness. but so exciting!

Speaking of cable tv and the wilderness, two of our other activities of theday were buying a tent and associated gear and finding a bar showing the shanghai F1 race. Ideally we would have waited to get the tent (4.8kg! of extra stuff to carry tomorrow + a couple off brand selfinflating sleeping mats) until the car but there were a few sport/tramping stores that were having sales that ended today. Ah well.

As for our search for some where to watch the Formula 1... that actually came up by accident as we had headed down for an evening of Diwali festivities at the Viaduct Harbour and i realized that I needed money so we went off in search of an ATM and decided to stop for a quick beer afterwards, they happened to have skysports2 on showing football or rugby or something that was just ending, so we got to see qualifying(r) and the start (with caramelized onion and goat cheese bruscetta mmmmm), then hussled off back to Diwali to take in some dancing and cheap deliscious indian food! of course we had to stop back at the bar (Trafic at the Corner of Queen and Quay just in case anyone needs to know) to catch the last 15 laps. and have another beer. :)

Then it was time for a link bus and home! bit of packing to make the morning better and now I'm going to join my wiser partener in sleep!

PS. the XO ( that we brought has been christened Xoey and over the past few days I have managed to upgrade her to the newest version of her linux OS! I'm super proud of both of us :)

Oh and photos will follow ASAP. Xoey doesn't like web upload forms so we're trying to figure out alternatives that will work.

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